Firm to deep tissue pressure. A therapeutic massage technique that targets deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. Therapist goals are to alleviate chronic muscle tension, break up scar tissue, improve circulation and improve range of motion.
Light to medium pressure. Therapist goal is to relax superficial muscles, improve circulation and relieve tension.
Technique that addresses specific points on the feet to promote relaxation and healing.
Massage that is designed for pregnant women to relieve pain and discomfort to improve circulation and promote relaxation. Massage can start at the beginning of the 2nd trimester and continue up to time of the birth.
Techniques to stimulate the lymphatic system.
Therapist uses 9 essential oils on the feet and back, using specific massage techniques for each oil. Caution for clients with sensitive skin and/or pregnant.
Any two massages, with the same time duration, may be done in the same room.
Feel great and lose weight effortlessly with FIT Bodywrap®, the best, most professional, infrared body wrap solution.
Includes a full body exfoliation and mud of your choice. Rose Mud for Moisturizing, Green Seaweed Mud for Firming, and Black Mud for Detoxing.
A specialized long cylindrical candle is used. One end is placed just inside the ear canal and the other end is lit on fire.
During this skin treatment we will cleanse, exfoliate, mask treatment, tone, and moisturize using Dermalogica products.
This facial is custom blended to your individual skin needs using specific masks, serums, and moisturizers to address problem areas.
Removes dirt and debris that accumulate deep in the pores.
Renew skin tone and Texture without chemicals
Revitalizing exfoliation procedure for sensitive skin, aging skin, & hyperpigmentation.
Produces radiance and toning. Ideal for non-sensitive skin suffering from hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, active acne, or elasticity problems.
Rapid exfoliation of epidermal cells that loosens impactions, clarifies complexion, and reduces scars, fine lines, & hyperpigmentation.